We fully immerse ourselves in the product, research the best cases in the market, analyze competitors, and the technology stacks they use.
02Machine Learning
We develop AI products that enhance business processes, automate routine tasks, and optimize resources.
We create intuitive and attractive interfaces, providing users with a comfortable experience interacting with the product.
04Product Web3 Development
We design and develop innovative solutions based on blockchain and decentralized technologies. We create products that ensure security, transparency, and new opportunities for business in the Web3 world.
05Web application development
We create high-performance and scalable web applications using modern frameworks and programming languages.
06Mobile app development
We develop cross-platform mobile applications using the most optimal and efficient tools.
Work formatsSprint & Fix
SprintA format where the project is divided into short development cycles (sprints) lastingfrom 1 to 4 weeks. In each sprint, the team sets specific goals and tasks, works on them, then reviews the outcomes and adjusts further work.
FixA format where the tasks, cost, and project deadlines are pre-defined and fixed in the contract. This allows the client toplan expenses and deadlines,but requires thorough planning of the project details at the initial stage.
SprintA format where the project is divided into short development cycles (sprints) lastingfrom 1 to 4 weeks.In each sprint, the team sets specific goals and tasks, works on them, then reviews the outcomes and adjusts further work.
FixA format where the tasks, cost, and project deadlines are pre-defined and fixed in the contract. This allows the client toplan expenses and deadlines,but requires thorough planning of the project details at the initial stage.
Work processBefore signing the contract
We get acquainted and discuss the project in detail
after 24 hours
We conduct initial product and technical analysis of the project
We discuss the project again and clarify all aspects
We create a technical-commercial proposal and a project development Roadmap
contract signing
We sign the contract and start development
Work process after signing the contractKey
We use flexible development methods, adapting to the client's desires and budget.
Игорь ТаракинProject manager
Изучаем проект и готовим рекомендацииСоставляем User Stories , разрабатываем бизнес-процессы проект и готовим рекомендацииПодготавливаем технические требования и стратегии
Project managerОтдел аналитики
Подбираем технологии и инструменты для реализацииГотовимдизайн-макеты и прототипыСогласуем компоненты проекта
Отдел дизайнаОтдел аналитикиProject manager
Реализуем проектсогласно договоренностям и техническим требованиямПоддерживаем связь и проверяем выполненную работуВнедряем и интегрируем решения
Отдел разработкиQAОтдел дизайнаProject manager
Вносим изменения в процессе пост-проектной работыОбеспечиваем серверную и техническую поддержкуДаем консультации и помогаем совершенствовать ваш проект
Отдел разработкиQAProject manager
We created the Merlines service for searching available train, car, and airline tickets. We designed and implemented an architecture with a unique meta-search system.
Developed the server part for a social network of pet owners. Implemented user data management, integration with external services and security.
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